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March 9th
Deep Dive on INA 212(a)(9) Waivers

Along with her colleague Eileen King English, Sue will be speaking on the panel: Deep Dive on INA 212(a)(9) Waivers, as part of the NJICLE Advanced Immigration Based On Family Ties, 2023 Updates CLE Program, an all-day program.

March 16th
Preserving and Asserting Due Process Violations before EOIR and the Circuit Courts Live Webinar

Sue will be the Discussion Leader for AILA’s “Preserving and Asserting Due Process Violations before EOIR and the Circuit Courts Live Webinar,” which is part of AILA’s Distance Learning Series. Sue is also a member of the Distance Learning Committee, which picks and develops current immigration law  and policy topics for presentations to AILA members.

March 20th - 22nd
Guest Lecturer at Rider University

uring the week of March 20-22, Sue will be a guest lecturer for Prof. Tirza Wahrman’s Civil Liberties course at Rider University.


February 27th
Emory University’s Behind the Glass Program

Sue will be part of a panel of immigration practitioners as part of Emory University’s Behind the Glass program.  Sue and the other panelists will be providing career advice and guidance to law students contemplating becoming immigration attorneys and advocates.

February 3, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
The New York Immigration Coalition’s Immigration Court Practice Series,  Mock Hearing

I am serving as the judge at The New York Immigration Coalition’s Immigration Court Practice Series,  Mock Hearing on February 3, 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Here are the participants: Led by Hon. Susan Roy, Karin Anderson, Elizabeth Tonne Daims, Mary Armistead, and Nicole Catá.

February 10th
Federal Bar Association’s 7th Annual New York Asylum & Immigration Law Conference

Hosted by New York Law School, Immigrant-ARC, Safe Passage Project, and the Federal Bar Association’s Immigration Law Section.  4:20 – 6:00 PM | Best Practices: Preparing for the Asylum Interview and Trial Requirements (2 hours of CLE Credit, Professional Practice) Learn from experienced advocates about the critical preparation necessary for affirmative and defensive asylum presentations. A panel of experienced attorneys will share practical and essential steps.

Speakers: Susan G. Roy, (remote) Jessica Chanin (remote), Carolina Cubelo (remote). 

January 17th, 2023
The US Supreme Court heard oral argument In the case Santos-Zacaria v. Garland

This case involves a transgender citizen of Guatemala who is seeking protection from persecution on account of her membership in the LGBTQI+ community. The Round Table of Former Immigration Judges, of which I am on the “steering committee,” filed an amici brief in this case.

November 18th
Immigration Judges Unfiltered: A Candid Discussion with Immigration Judges

A webcast featuring retired U.S. immigration judges candidly discussing issues related to the immigration court system.

Topics will include the “real” discretion of immigration judges, the flexibility for immigration judges to voice their opinions, and a First Amendment lawsuit filed by the group's union.





November 30th to December 1st 
55th Annual Immigration and Naturalization Institute

Insights and Perspectives of Former Immigration Judges

This session will provide a view from former immigration court and appellate judges.  After completing this session, participants will be able to:

·         Understand best practices for establishing credibility

·         Prepare and offer evidence to positively impact the judge’s decision

·         Evaluate which internet sources will receive favorable consideration from the court

·         Identify how to prepare and present a persuasive and useful amicus brief

·         Recognize how to protect the due process rights of your client





October 26, 2020
Fordham University Law School, International Refugee Assistance Project 

Panelist: Asylum Under Attack: A Big-Picture Discussion with Immigration Practitioners


September 29, 2020
Emory University Law School, Behind the Glass

Panelist: Immigration Amidst a Pandemic


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