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March 9th
Deep Dive on INA 212(a)(9) Waivers

Along with her colleague Eileen King English, Sue will be speaking on the panel: Deep Dive on INA 212(a)(9) Waivers, as part of the NJICLE Advanced Immigration Based On Family Ties, 2023 Updates CLE Program, an all-day program.

March 16th
Preserving and Asserting Due Process Violations before EOIR and the Circuit Courts Live Webinar

Sue will be the Discussion Leader for AILA’s “Preserving and Asserting Due Process Violations before EOIR and the Circuit Courts Live Webinar,” which is part of AILA’s Distance Learning Series. Sue is also a member of the Distance Learning Committee, which picks and develops current immigration law  and policy topics for presentations to AILA members.

March 20th - 22nd
Guest Lecturer at Rider University

uring the week of March 20-22, Sue will be a guest lecturer for Prof. Tirza Wahrman’s Civil Liberties course at Rider University.


February 27th
Emory University’s Behind the Glass Program

Sue will be part of a panel of immigration practitioners as part of Emory University’s Behind the Glass program.  Sue and the other panelists will be providing career advice and guidance to law students contemplating becoming immigration attorneys and advocates.

February 3, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
The New York Immigration Coalition’s Immigration Court Practice Series,  Mock Hearing

I am serving as the judge at The New York Immigration Coalition’s Immigration Court Practice Series,  Mock Hearing on February 3, 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Here are the participants: Led by Hon. Susan Roy, Karin Anderson, Elizabeth Tonne Daims, Mary Armistead, and Nicole Catá.

February 10th
Federal Bar Association’s 7th Annual New York Asylum & Immigration Law Conference

Hosted by New York Law School, Immigrant-ARC, Safe Passage Project, and the Federal Bar Association’s Immigration Law Section.  4:20 – 6:00 PM | Best Practices: Preparing for the Asylum Interview and Trial Requirements (2 hours of CLE Credit, Professional Practice) Learn from experienced advocates about the critical preparation necessary for affirmative and defensive asylum presentations. A panel of experienced attorneys will share practical and essential steps.

Speakers: Susan G. Roy, (remote) Jessica Chanin (remote), Carolina Cubelo (remote). 

January 17th, 2023
The US Supreme Court heard oral argument In the case Santos-Zacaria v. Garland

This case involves a transgender citizen of Guatemala who is seeking protection from persecution on account of her membership in the LGBTQI+ community. The Round Table of Former Immigration Judges, of which I am on the “steering committee,” filed an amici brief in this case.

18 de noviembre
Jueces de Inmigración Sin Filtrar: Una Discusión Franca con Jueces de Inmigración

Un webcast con jueces jubilados de inmigración de EE. UU. discutiendo con franqueza temas relacionados con el sistema judicial de inmigración.

Los temas incluirán la discrecionalidad “real” de los jueces de inmigración, la flexibilidad de los jueces de inmigración para expresar sus opiniones y una demanda de la Primera Enmienda presentada por el sindicato del grupo.

30 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre 
55.º Instituto Anual de Inmigración y Naturalización

Perspectivas y Perspectivas de Ex Jueces de Inmigración

Esta sesión proporcionará una visión de ex jueces de la corte de inmigración y de apelaciones.  Después de completar esta sesión, los participantes podrán:

·       _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-cf58d_   _cc781905-5cde-31936d_bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-31936bad5cf58d_   _cc781905-5cde-31936d_bad5cf58d_ Comprender las mejores prácticas para establecer la credibilidad

·         Prepare and offer evidence to positively impact the judge's decision

·         Evaluate which internet sources will receive favorable consideration from the court

·         Identify how to prepare and present a persuasive and useful amicus brief

·         Recognize how to protect the due process rights of your client

26 de octubre de 2020
Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Fordham, Proyecto de Asistencia Internacional para Refugiados 

Panelista: Asilo bajo ataque: una discusión general con profesionales de inmigración


29 de septiembre de 2020
Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Emory, detrás del cristal

Panelista: Inmigración en medio de una pandemia

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